Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby's First Swim!

We took Andrew for his first swim when he was 5 months old. He LOVES his bath time so we figured he would love his pool time as well. Well it was a huge hit! He splashed around and kicked his feet like a pro! Since then we have taken him 3 other times and he loves it more and more each time. I think we have a water baby on our hands!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Baby's First Easter

Baby's first Easter also fell on Corey's 32nd Birthday. We had a great time going to church and celebrating with my parents.
Andrew got the hang of the Easter basket REAL quick

He loved his Easter basket!

I Loved his little Easter outfit!My handsome boy!
Family Easter picture at Southwest Community Church

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tummy Time Graduate

All of a sudden around 4 1/2 months Andrew started to love his tummy time. I think it has to do with the fact that he can roll over on his own and its his choice now. Anyways he lays on his tummy all the time while grabbing for his toys. He has started to crawl forward a bit, though it seems to catch him by surprise and he doesn't know quite how he does it. I have a feeling these days where he stays in one place are coming to an end!


Me and my boy hanging out
Andrew LOVES his exersaucer!

Hanging out at the pool with Daddy and I. He is only 5 monhts here but looks so old!

We surprised Corey at work for his Birthday potluck. Andrew kept trying to grab his keyboard and mouse.
Big boy in his Baby's First Easter bib :)

Professional Easter Pics

Baby's First Easter