Sunday, May 30, 2010

Andrew's Dedication

Andrew was dedicated to the Lord on May 30, 2010. This means that Corey and I are promising to raise him to the best of our ability to be a God fearing man. It was a wonderful day and we had lots of family there to support us!Our HAPPY little family!
On stage praying for our baby.Pastor Rick (my boss) wrote the sweetest message in Andrew's Bible. It truly was the sweetest day and Andrew had quite the fan club!

Visit with Grammy and Grampy Allen

Grammy and Grampy Allen came to visit! They hadn't seen Andrew since Christmas so it had been about 5 months. Needless to say he changed a lot in that time!!! We had a wonderful visit, and here are some of the first pics of when they saw him again at the start of the visit. Andrew loved seeing his Colorado Grandparents and quickly made up for lost time.Getting snuggled by Grammy and Grampy.Andrew is showing Grammy how he sits like a big boy.
Loving hanging out with his Uncle Chris! We went to their timeshare just about every night for dinner and to swim a bit. Here Andrew is getting squirmy with GrampySilly Grampy!Happy Boys!
This picture cracks me up. Its the behind the scenes of how many people it takes to make a baby smile when he is very tired and hungry.
Dinner at our house. Getting more snuggles with Grammy.This is Grammy and Grampys last night before they leave early the next morning.
Getting distracted by the TV.Sad to say goodbye.
One last squeeze!!! We had a wonderful time with Corey's parents. We swam, laid out at the pool, ate out a bunch, hung out at our house and just had a wonderful visit. We can't wait to do it again in December!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Visiting cousin Tyler in Portland

We got a chance to visit Bret, Brandy and Tyler and see their new house!! We also went out so I could help with Brandy's baby shower for the little one arriving around July 15th!
Andrew was a pro on the plane and just about slept the whole time! The flight was sold out but we had an open seat next to us which was a miracle for sure!
Tyler was as excited to hang out with his cousin as Andrew was!
We had a wonderful baby shower for Brandy. She got all kinds of cute baby gifts. The sex of the baby is a surprise so she got lots of cute jammies and outfits. I can't wait to find out and spoil that baby!Here is a picture of the boys hanging out. Tyler did a wonderful job of "holding the baby." Poor Tyler the "baby" just about smothered him!
The boys had a great time playing together. Tyler was so gentle and shared all his toys.
Here Tyler was hugging Andrew but it looks more like WWF.Bret and an armful of boys. I promise I was there, though I now realize I didn't get in most of the pictures.Bret, Tyler, Andrew and I decided to go on a drive to let the boys fall asleep in the car. Andrew was working on popping out a tooth and wasn't his chipper self.
And Tyler kept trying to escape out of his car-seat. Little dude sure is smart!
Andrew LOVED Tyler's guitar. Future guitar player? I think so!
One last cousin squeeze before heading back to CA. Next time we see you Tyler you are going to be a big brother!!! You were so good with Andrew and very ready for your new role.
Bye Bye Portland!!!

Bath time

Love having a clean baby. Night time is my favorite with Mandrew. There is something so peaceful about giving him a bath, getting him in his jammies, feeding him and having him fall asleep in my arms. Its absolute contentment.
I think he loves it just about as much as I do!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Meeting Great Opoe And Grandpa Cooley

Great Opoe came to visit!!! Andrew got to meet his Great Opoe and Great Grandpa Cooley from Texas. Even though he was teething and tired from his 2 hour car ride, he was very happy to meet his great grandparents. He loves his Great Opoe! (Grandmother in Dutch)
Talking with the GrandparentsIt was a great visit and he loved getting held by Great Opoe!
Here is the one picture I have from Andrew meeting his cousin Lilianna. He kept trying to figure out why she was crying. What a sweet little guy!
The next day Opoe came with us to the airport on our way to Portland. Andrew and I were flying out to see Bret and family. It was great to get more time to visit!
Hanging out before our flight left.
One last "kusha" from Great Opoe before boarding the plane. We will see you in October Opoe!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BFF Wesley Woollet!

Our boys finally got to meet! Praise the Lord for no longer being Pregnant! Andrew and Wesley are exactly 5 months apart. Here they are at 6 and 1 months old. Looks like these two are going to get into trouble together someday. Cute little boys!!! Ok not so little. They are probably 20 and 12 pounds here.
Andrew wasnt so sure about pictures after a 2 hour car ride from the Desert to Oceanside.
Hmm what is this????
Watch your babies around Mandrew. Not the gentlest. Poor Wesley is getting his head gummed and poked in the eye at the same time!
Kinda over this whole picture thing. Looks at Wes's rolls!!! SO cute!
They are starting to lose it....
And we're crying. Andrew loved meeting his BFF. Hopefully next time he wont try to eat his head.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SWEET! Potatoes

If Andrew could talk, I know this is what he would say! He seemed to like the peas fine and ate about 1/3 of a jar the last couple nights. Well last night came time to try sweet potatoes and he ate the whole jar!
I will make baby food one of these days, but I have been so busy with work! The organic stuff just has to do for now!
Like I said, he LOVED the potatoes!Making noises and banging on his hi-chair for moreThinking about how much he loves sweet potatoes :)Big boy holding his own cup!!! Having a bit of water to wash down his veggies.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rubber Ducky your the one!

Baby is now six months old and starting to outgrow his tub just a bit. He loves his rubber duckies and bath times.
I love you baby Mandrew! Stop growing up so quickly sweet boy!