Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standing up

And..... I have something new to worry about. No longer am I afraid of hurting my infant. Now I am afraid of my infant hurting himself. There are so many mixed reports on bumpers or no bumpers. So now I am weighing the consequences between suffocation or knocking himself out. He now likes to stand up on his own, but he also likes to let go.

The letting go part usually ends with a solid head thump from some portion of his crib. This mobile stage is really starting to stress me out. I am not accustomed to seeing bruises on my pretty baby's skin. Although I never thought I would be "that" mom who wouldn't want her son to play football because I didn't want him to get hurt, I just might be! Well actually I am just praying that he will be the biggest so I wont have to worry! At 21 pounds at 7 months, so far so good.
Either Andrew is showing me his Basketball form or informing me how someday he is going to go up and over the side of the crib. I am hoping its not the latter.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crawling (7 Months old)

And we've gone Mobile! Baby is now crawling. Watch out world Mandrew is on the Move!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


An emergency was diverted. Upon returning to the desert after visiting Oceanside for Father's day, we soon found out that Andrew's beloved giraffe(s) had not made the trip back with us. Thank goodness for Grandad sending them back the next day!!!
Here is Andrew's little care package. He was waiting all day for it to arrive!
Andrew's "guys" as I like to call them (since Corey informed me that I cannot call them his "babies") arrived safe and sound.
The sweet reunion. And all is well in the world again.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Corey's First Father's Day

We had a wonderful weekend for Corey's first Fathers Day. We went down to Oceanside on Friday night and spent the night at my parents house. We woke up on Saturday and went down to Carlsbad to walk on the sea wall with just Corey, Andrew and myself. Andrew LOVES his stroller and loved the beach.
Later we met my parents at their timeshare for a bit of swimming.
After that we got cleaned up and headed down to San Diego for Andrew's first Padres game! He did so well and we had a blast!
Sunday Andrew's Great Grandma and Grandad came to visit to help us all celebrate Father's day. We had a relaxing day of playing cards, grilling steaks and taking Andrew for a walk around the block in his wagon. And of course all the men watched the US Open. It was a wonderful day!
I am so Blessed to have such wonderful men in my life! If only we had Bret and Tyler it would be perfect!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Poor Maizy

So Andrew LOVES chasing Maizy with his Walker. She is a smart girl though and knows that the carpet slows him down... a LOT. In this video she is also chewing on her bone while standing (multi-tasking dog) so she can quickly get out of the way if Andrew charges her. I have a feeling she is going to get a run for her money when Andrew can really walk!

New Walker

Our Sweet Baby boy can Drive!!!! Well with the help of his walker of course! Not too long and this little baby is going to be mobile!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rocket Ships

These are Andrew's rocket pajamas. He is busting out of the seams so I wanted to take a few pictures before we have to retire them. Big 7 month old boy!
He is able to stand because the jammies are so tight he can't really bend his legs ;)
What a silly guy.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last Day with Mrs. Courtney

Sad day for us today!! Today was Andrew's last day with Courtney. He was with her for almost exactly four months. He started out as a little three month old baby and is now a 7 month old sitting, rolling and almost crawling Mandrew. Courtney I wouldn't have been able to go back to work if it wasn't for you and your love for my son. I can't ever thank you enough for loving my boy. We will miss you but we are so excited to meet your little baby boy in August!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sweet Ride

Hey ladies. S'up.
Andrew's Grammy and Grampy got him a sweet new ride. Pretty much he is in it all the time.
He bounces off most of the walls but that doesn't stop him. Maizy is also learning how to successfully dodge the speeding little wild man.
I love the joy that our sweet boy brings to our already happy house!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Closer to Crawling

Andrew has been in no hurry to crawl. They say a baby usually starts crawling between 6-8 months with some babies never crawling, just skipping straight to walking. Andrew just turned 6 months on the 12th and his preferred method of transportation these days is still rolling. Barrel rolling across the floor. In the last couple days though he has showed a tiny bit more interest in crawling with pushing himself up and baby push-ups. Check-out my serious guns.
Thinking about crawling. No thanks i'm good!
OK i'll give it a go
And I'm spent.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Reading with Grammy

Grammy bought Andrew some books when her and Grampy came to visit. Of course she needed to try them out and read a little bit to Andrew. It was a sweet thought but the reading adventure didn't last long.Maizy is doesn't want to be left out.
mmmmm This looks about perfect to chew on! Grammy let go!
I love my new book so much I just want to EAT it!
And he wants down. It was great while it lasted! Looks like he takes after his Mama and is not a reader!