Thursday, August 26, 2010


The best kind of Pooh

Mandrew 004Mandrew 006Mandrew 007

Andrew got this Pooh from his Colorado Grammy. It says "Baby's 1st Pooh" on itIt has a little rattle in it and both he and Maizy love it.

Mandrew 008

These are our new favorite Jammies. They say "I'm the top dog". With the way he has been refusing to sleep lately, I am starting to believe him.

Mug Shots

Every baby has tons of cute shots. Photogenic moments captured at just the right time. Then you have the mug shots. You can guess which category the following pictures fall into. Nevertheless they crack Corey and I up :)

Mandrew 026

The Al Quida Mug Shot

Mandrew 027

Mom, The Meatloaf. Now!

Mandrew 028

This baby means business. We dont mess around at dinnertime!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My 30th Birthday

We had an amazing time for my 30th Birthday! My parents rented me and my 4 closest friends a limo to go out on the town. We ended up touring Carlsbad/Encinitas.
Me and my Bestie for 15 yearsMy High School and life-long best friends...
It was feeling a little High-School "Prom-ish" so Dianna helped lighten the mood :)
We stopped for some Champagne, but were all freaked out to open the bottle. So our kind limo driver pulled over and did the honors.
Presents in the Limo. Spoiled Much?
We had a night out on the town and went all over causing havoc of course :) Our first stop was Henneseys in Carlsbad.
We also went to Giblins and D Street in Encinitas and back to my parents for cake.
It was a blast and a perfect way to celebrate the big 3-0!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dash for the tub!

Mandrew loves his bath tub. We start him out in his bedroom, and he turns the corner, goes down the hall, hangs a left and then heads into the bathroom right to his tub. He really loves his baths :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Non-Cool moment

So I am sure there will be many more of these to come, but it was our first acknowledged "lame" parenting moment. We were driving to church when all of a sudden there was a horrible noise. It sounded like a cross between thunder and an animal trying to scratch its way into the roof of our car. Thinking something was seriously wrong we parked as soon as we found a spot, jumped out and saw it.
A sippy cup. Not just a sippy cup, but a sippy cup that made it 20+ miles to our timeshare pool and back home. It made the trek to pick up a pizza for dinner and back. And lastly it hung on and made it all the way to church. Pretty remarkable actually. I know there are many more moments like this to come, but this was the first mutual recognition that we were a little "less cool" than we thought.

Bad Hair Day

Oops. Baby's first trim turned into Baby's first bad haircut. I only trimmed the hair over his ears but he moved and a side burn was lost in one quick motion. Hoping it grows REAL quick!

Friday, August 20, 2010

9 month Dr Appointment

Mandrew had his 9 month Dr appointment today! He did great! She said he is still in the 90 % percentile and is a very healthy baby boy. Here are some stats on his appointment and some other info of what he is doing these days.
  • 22 pounds 6 oz (90%)
  • 29 inches long (90%)
  • Feeding himself cereal (gets it into his mouth 40% of the time)
  • Crawls ALL over the house
  • Pulls himself up on any piece of furniture possible.
  • Chases Maizy all over the house either crawling or in his Jeep walker.
  • LOVES to swim. We went this weekend and he kicks like a pro in the water and splashes like crazy.
  • Says Dad all the time. Our favorite is when he says it low and whispers it and says "Dad Dad Dad." So cute
  • He says YA!!!!
  • He says Mom when he is really upset but its more like "maaaaaaaa"
  • He claps when we say "Yeah!!!!"
  • He has 2 bottom teeth and 3 top teeth are just breaking through.
  • He LOVES other kids and will be a super big brother some day.
  • He loves apple sauce, frozen bananas, cereal, and just about anything.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My 30th Birthday

Here is me and my boy on my Birthday. Definitely the best present ever. What a great start to my 30th year!!!!! The boys spoiled me a ton. Corey surprised me at work and we had lunch together with Andrew because I had an all day conference on my Birthday.
Saturday Corey let me sleep in and then brought me my fave Starbucks drink and red roses. That night after napping all day we went to PF Chang's for dinner.We had a wonderful dinner and Mandrew was so good the whole time. He was enjoying the brown rice and all the people.I had the best perfect sized Birthday Carrot Cake. SOoooooo good. Our Happy Little Family :) Sunday we went to church, and then Corey took me to Tiffanys to pick out a lovely Birthday Neclace. What a spoiled girl am I!!!
What a difference a year makes. Here I am pregnant last year at Disneyland. 29 was Great, but since my sweet baby boy has arrived, life just keeps getting better and better. :)