Friday, January 28, 2011

Naked Baby!

Corey usually gets Andrew ready for the tub and strips him down to nothing. This particular night he thought it was funny to leave his shoes on.February 005Naked baby on the move!!!!!!February 004As you can see Andrew had a pretty big dinner so we were trying to show just how bloated his little tummy was. February 006Poor little guy, that looks painful!February 003And he’s on the move again!!! Can’t keep this baby still!

Andrews Words- 14 Months

Well our little Mandrew is 14 months old and is quite a talker! Not only does he say many words, he knows what the meanings are and also is learning some sign language. We are super proud of our smart boy!
Here are the things he is saying these days
-No No
-Yack Yack Yack (Quack Quack Quack)

He uses sign language for More and All done. We are trying to teach him the one for Milk and Food. So far he does More for everything. Food, toys, Milk etc. Everytime one of us leaves or Corey is taking him to daycare he waves bye and then blows a kiss. Its soo cute. He learned this on his own.
He also has started yelling at Maizy and telling her "No No Maizy". Poor dog but its funny because he hunches over and points his finger and looks stern and even his voice gets deeper. We are working on not hitting Maizy though. He seems to think she needs a spanking now and then. She is a good sport, but still poor girl. She is getting lots of treats theses days.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eating is Exhausting

I don’t know if its sympathy pains or what but all I want to do lately is sleep and eat. At about 1 18 weeks pregnant me and Andrew pretty much have the same schedule. Mandrew 034Well Andrew showed me that I can do both if I want. Poor little growing Toddler!Mandrew 035This is right before we both took an amazing 2+ hour nap. Who knows if we will be able to do that when baby #2 comes! Mandrew 036Buddy, I am right there with you!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Simply Addicted to Golf

So its no secret that my Husband loves golf. Somehow its rubbed off on Andrew even though Corey hasn’t really picked up his clubs around Andrew. He likes to eat with his club, watch TV with his club, smack anything in his path with his club and has been known to take a bath with it as well.February 077Here he is with his beloved snack of goldfish and his golf club. Life is pretty good for this little Guy. February 076On this particular day there was no getting around snack time without the club.
February 078This is his “Silly Face.” We just say Silly Face and he squints his eyes, opens his mouth, looks up and does a pretty funny little face. He things its hilarious too which is adorable.February 079Laughing at himself after concluding the “Silly Face.”
February 080Examining his sports equipment. February 081No more pictures Mom!
February 083Such a sweet little face.February 084Bored of snack time.This baby (ok Toddler) has better things to do with his time.
February 087Here is another random day where he was watching his favorite cartoons with his golf club.
February 089This is a pretty common sight in our house. Andrew in his favorite chair from Gramma. February 088Because no golf game is complete with the golf ball. Obviously.February 050Hoping to go outside to practice a bit. February 049Not even teething can keep this kid from practicing.
February 051Happy Boy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

7th Anniversary

February 086Tonight we got to go on a date to Celebrate our 7th Wedding Anniversary. Time flies when you are having fun. And when you are chasing a toddler. And when you are pregnant. And when you are working full time. Needless to say life is busy.

But the best part of celebrating our day was that we got to go to the Crisis Pregnancy Center associated with our church and we found out that we need to start buying a lot of….imagesCAS4R22C These !!!!!! And probably some of these…babygirlAnd then maybe even some of these!blanketWe are having a baby girl! Andrew is going to have a Sister! I’m going to have a Daughter. We are over the moon to say the least especially since this will be our last baby. Thank you Lord for creating our perfect little family!

Friday, January 7, 2011